Since 2002, Russell Diabo has edited and published the First Nations Strategic Bulletin. The publication is a volunteer non-profit effort covering First Nations news and policy. Its archives are available via Library and Archives Canada.


2024 - January-December

2023 - January-August

2023 - Sept-Dec

First Nations Strategic Bulletin

A Truth Before Reconciliation Publication - Campaign 2020

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CANDRIP Bill C-15: Analysis of Canada’s Bill C-15 version of UNDRIP to Replace the Indian Act and Pre-1975 Treaties through Self-Government Agreements, Modern Treaties and Opt-Out Legislation

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Since 2015, the Trudeau government has been continued a longstanding Indigenous policy of assimilation, dispossession and termination of rights by municipalization of First Nations under its self-government policy and eliminating Indian Reserves into private property as fee simple parcels. These documents provide the analysis of the federal meaning of Indigenous Reconciliation, which we call White Paper 2.0.

Reconciliation is Re-Colonization:
Canada’s 2-Track Process to Transition Indian Bands & Reserves into 4th Level Indigenous Municipalities

Recognition of Rights Discussion Tables

Description of White Papers 1 and 2

W(h)ither the Indian Act? How Statutory Law Is Rewriting Canada’s Settler Colonial Formation by Susan Collis

Dispossession by Municipalization by Jeremy J. Schmidt

White Paper 2.0 - Termination By Municipalization

This Part I of a two part podcast interview with Mohawk policy analyst, Russ Diabo. Russ shares his story about the search for his identity in his teens; his involvement in First Nation resistance and politics in Canada and the USA; and the political and policy developments leading up to his work on the Liberals' Aboriginal Platform in the 1990's. If you would like to know more about Russ or his work, please check out his website



This is Part II of a two-part interview with Mohawk policy analyst Russ Diabo. In Part I, Russ shared with us his teenage search for identity, his role in native resistance on both sides of the border and the political history leading up to federal "Indian policy". We left off at "who the hell is this guy" - the appointment of Ron Irwin as Minister of Indian Affairs. This episode will continue this political history and finish with where we go from here. For more information about Russ and his work, you can check out his website at

The Future of AFN

Articles and Books

The Work of Art Manuel


Arthur Manuel was a colleague and brother to me who left us unexpectedly for the Spirit World in January 2017. Fortunately, he left behind his vision and work for us all to carry on in his writings and lectures. What is shared here is just a small part of his huge legacy! My platform and Vision are inspired by the knowledge and wisdom Art shared with me over the years we knew and worked with each other.
