A.I.A.I. Chiefs Reject Federal Indigenous Rights Framework

"London, Ontario June 7th, 2018 – The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (A.I.A.I.) Chiefs Council met to discuss the implications of Canada’s Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework. The Chiefs Council agreed, by consensus, that the Framework was a threat to the inherent rights of First Nations. The council committed to advocate to the General Assembly, that will meet on June 11th – 13th, that they reject the Framework and all its associated processes."

Ottawa's promised Indigenous rights bill not as advertised, says report from new think-tank

The federal Liberal government's promised Indigenous rights bill would likely do away with the Indian Act by coaxing First Nations into a "narrow model" of self-government aimed at suppressing Indigenous self-determination, according to a new report.

Iori:wase (Kahnawake): Diabo Puts Name In For AFN National Chief

"Russell Diabo has officially thrown his name into the race for the Assembly of First Nations National Chief position. The election for the AFN National Chief is scheduled to be held in Vancouver on July 25. Diabo, a First Nations Policy Analyst, said that he put his name in for National Chief because he wants to stop the current Trudeau government termination policy."

APTN: Bellegarde, Diabo announce intentions of running for AFN national chief

Russ Diabo says he’s running for national chief of the Assembly of First Nations to defeat two people – incumbent Perry Bellegarde and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“I felt compelled,” the Mohawk policy analyst from Kahnawake, Que. says in wide ranging interview with Nation to Nation scheduled to air Thursday evening.

CBC: Race for AFN national chief heats up as Trans Mountain opponent seeks candidacy

Russ Diabo says he’s running for national chief of the Assembly of First Nations to defeat two people – incumbent Perry Bellegarde and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“I felt compelled,” the Mohawk policy analyst from Kahnawake, Que. says in wide ranging interview with Nation to Nation scheduled to air Thursday evening.